The billboard rotated through three different painting. Shout out to F&M bank for sponsoring the artist spotlight series and the Arts & Business Council of Nashville for selecting me. What an honor!
The billboards ran for a week and I’m on cloud 9!!! Eeeeek! The Arts & Business Council of Nashville also feautured me on their blog saying,
“Sarah Shearer received a BFA in painting from Belhaven College in 1995 and relocated to Nashville in 2000 where she founded Painted Paw Studio. Working primarily as a painter, Shearer began incorporating her passion for animals into her creative business when she saw the joyful impact this work had. As a fur mom of two handsome rescue pit mixes and one unimpressed cat, Shearer quickly connects with people on the meaningful bond we share with our fur babies. In addition to creating pet-centric art, Sarah also gives back to pets in need. Puppy Up, Crossroads and Agape are among the animal welfare non-profits she supports by donating a percentage of sales or sponsorship backing at special events.”